WE PRACTICE LAW in Dutchess County, New York, and handle legal matters primarily in the areas of tax, estate planning and administration, business law and real estate transactions. Our work comes from New York City, Poughkeepsie and the Villages of Millbrook and Rhinebeck and the surrounding countryside of the Hudson Valley.
WE THINK of ourselves as a big little firm. We make up for our small numbers with a group effort. Our individual lawyers do not guard fiefdoms of clients. Instead, we consult with each other so that our clients can benefit from the joint work of our lawyers, all of whom have at least 35 years of specialized experience.
WE GET a lot of non-routine work. We are forced to work together to solve complex legal problems. Our lawyers regularly show draft work to colleagues in the firm, ordinarily with no added charge for consultation and review. This is how we got trained by some of the major firms in New York City in the years before the tyranny of the billable hour took hold.
WE KEEP IN MIND a few key points – – which together amount to our approach when we do law work for our clients.